Installation & Setup


npm install ngx-url-state

-- or --

yarn add ngx-url-state

Setup Steps

  1. Define a TypeScript interface representing which parameters you need and their types.
export interface ProductsPageParams {
page: number;
pageSize: number;
redText: boolean;
  1. Inject ActivatedRoute and UrlStateService in the component's constructor
constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private urlStateService: UrlStateService) { }
  1. In ngOnInit, define the parameters you wish to track and obtain an instance of UrlState
export class YourComponent implements OnInit {
public urlState: UrlState<ProductsPageParams>;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.urlState = this.urlStateService.listen<ProductsPageParams>({
activatedRoute: this.activatedRoute,
componentDestroyed$: this.componentDestroyed$,
paramDefinitions: {
name: {
mapper: StringMapper
  1. You're all set up and ready to rock. The following sections describe your new super powers.